The Program - Interview


Interviews, Conversations, and Distribution of Surprise Monetary Awards

Educational Leaders will show passion

Power in kindness
  1. Close Stance - Open Stance Conversations Process: SNRGE engages with Balochistan educational leaders, principals and vice Chancellors with interviews, seeking to understand their passion, vision, and commitment towards mutual growth of male and female students in a society. How do they envision their students' journey? What role does skill recognition play in shaping that path?
  2. Collaborative Excellence: SNRGE and educational leaders will explore institution's strengths and ways to utilize skills of male and female students.
  3. Exploring New Horizons: Embracing Innovative Thoughts and Entrepreneurship: SNR believes in innovative thoughts coming first before innovation. SNRGE will explore leader perspective on the role of innovative thoughts in the process of innovation.
  4. Building Inclusive Learning Environments: Diversity is SNRGE's strength. What are educational leaders' perspectives on it? How they can contribute towards women empowerment through their educational policies and strategies?
  5. Leadership and Management in Education: Demonstrating commitment to excellence helps us to change the destiny of Balochistan. SNRGE will explore their perspectives on the role of excellence.
  6. Interview will end by visiting one of the institutional classes (students 16-25). SNRGE will play a game and distribute one surprise monetary award.

Element 1 Outcome

Outcomes for institutions, institutional leaders, and students

Interviews, Conversations, and Distribution of Surprise Monetary Awards

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Leaders Show Passion

  1. Visibility to institutions, students and institutional leaders
  2. Opportunity to unleash potential leaders
  3. Parents' satisfaction
  4. Learning
  5. Inspiration
  6. Collaboration
  7. Networking
  8. Leaders' efforts for students with SNRGE
  9. Global reach by entrepreneurial platform
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Through collective support and recognition, we pave the path for inclusive growth, where every woman in Pakistan, regardless of background, can thrive.

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