The Program - Collaborate
This step leads to two conferences, which will be arranged separately for each province at different places and at different times.
Conference 1 and Conference 2 will be conducted separately for each category (e.g., schools, colleges, and universities) in each province.
Conference-1 Theme
- Conference-1, The event followed by the presentation on the Single Responsibility Principle (SNRGE-SRP). This presentation will provide guidelines to educational leaders, assisting them in addressing internal management challenges for the creation of products and services, without disturbing much of the traditional set rules of the local system.
- Top 10 institutional leaders from high schools, colleges and universities will deliver presentations on tactical solutions by using their diverse experience to create products and services. Please see brochure for details.
- After every two presentations, two volunteer educational institutions can perform art shows in Conference-1 on the theme "Benefits for men, Balochistan and Pakistan in empowering women" to ensure that talent promotes the message of the program through art.
- Chief Guest award's certificates to individuals from institutions who presented presentations and art shows with solutions to handle internal challenges in creation of product/services and empowering women.
- Conference ends with the Chief Guest's address and a networking dinner. (Chief Minister/ Governor/Provincial High Court Judge will be the Chief Guests of the conference)
Conference-2 Theme
- Conference-2 The event will be a display and show day for students, particularly female students, in their respective provinces, giving them especially female students, an opportunity to showcase their products and services created to address the challenges faced by Balochistan women. This conference will feature 920 participants presenting their innovative ideas and solutions in their related province.
- Each institution or participating student has the option to select a class to represent its product or service. However, the representation will be carried out by a single student representative accompanied by a supporter and educational leader. In summary, three individuals may represent one institution and submit their business plan.
Platinum Class: A female student supported by male peers. A male student supported by female peers.
Diamond Class: Individual female or individual male: Strength in solitude.
Gold Class: Group synergy, regardless of gender. Teamwork makes the dream work.
- Chief Guest: Chief Minister/ Governor/Provincial High Court Judge will be the Chief Guests of the conference and distribute certificates after reviewing products/services of schools, colleges and universities on the designated days.
- Semi Final Jury: Nominated Jury will select 132 products/services, 132 Principal/VC, and 132 Supporters as "winners" and results will be posted on the website.
- Final Selection Jury: Only 100 winners will emerge as champions. These champions include 100 students with their innovative products/services, 100 educational leaders who have contributed to students', particularly female, success and 100 supporters. Regardless of whether their candidates/students win or not, these supporters and leaders will be selected based on their contributed efforts. Results will be posted on the website and they will be the "Champions"of the summit.
Collecting Educational Leaders in Conferences & Competitions
Register, Attend, Participate & Compete
Educational Leaders in Conferences and Students in Competitions
- Leaders share techniques and tools
- Leaders feel empowered
- Arts with Science
- Learning
- Inspiration
- Collaboration
- Networking
- Global reach by SNRGE entrepreneurial platform
- Unleash Unbelievable solutions
- Three (3) choices of classes will drive the students' passion
- Jury, a path towards solutions
- Recognition by certification